Thirty Meter Telescope

Astronomy's Next-Generation Observatory

Explore the latest news, events and announcements from the TMT International Observatory

TMT's Mission and Values

TMT is committed to a community model of astronomy based on the values of respect and mutual stewardship.

TMT's Science and Technology

TMT is an extraordinary international scientific endeavor that will revolutionize our understanding of the universe and our place within it.


Maunakea is a truly unique place.


TMT staff are part of the Hawaiʻi community and TMT firmly believes it is our kuleana (responsibility) to be active supporters of that community.

Latest From TMT

Managing the Science and Technical Data for TMT
December 18th, 2024

TMT data mangement team passed their final design review for the data management system.

Response to the NSF's US-ELTP External Evaluation Panel Report
December 11th, 2024 TMT Partner News

The US-ELTP's response to the NSF's US-ELTP External Evaluation Panel Report.

TIO Staff Provides Hands-on Activties at the EYU Event
December 9th, 2024 Education & Outreach

TIO staff attend the graduate student event at UCLA to explain TMT engienering and science to the next generation of scientists and engineers.